
We undertake to display the highest levels of diligence in all of our actions.

Ensuring that our professionals possess the necessary knowledge in any given situation or identifying when and to what extent they need to enlist the assistance of specialists in any field;

Taking all appropriate and reasonable steps to ascertain all the relevant facts and circumstances of the matter at hand, applying their minds appropriately to the facts and circumstances of the matter at hand, and acting accordingly in the best interests of the client;

Displaying a total commitment to the confidential treatment of all information obtained as a result of their actions in connection with the affairs of their clients and taking all reasonable steps to ensure the confidentiality of all such information;

Our professionals take all steps necessary to ensure that they possesses the level of knowledge and skill required from a person in a fiduciary capacity.

Our professionals will at all times apply all relevant provisions of statutory, common and case law in all their professional relationships and will not do anything to obstruct the proper application of any law.

Our professionals will at all times apply their mind appropriately to all problems, questions and decisions faced in the course of performing his/her duties.

Our professionals will take all reasonable steps to gather all relevant information to base any decision on or to solve any problem with regard to the affairs of a client.

A member shall, after gathering the relevant information and applying his/her mind, act in the best interests of the client to the best of the member’s ability. Acting in the best interests of the client includes, but is not limited to:

Advising the client of his/her/its rights and obligations under any law;

Refraining from doing anything which may infringe on any right or legitimate interest of the client;

Refraining from doing anything which may obstruct the client in fulfilling any obligation or exercising any right under any law;

Assisting the client to exercise and fulfil his/her/its rights and obligations under any law.

Our professionals will, at all times, keep the client fully informed of all actions taken in the course of, and all developments with regard to, the professional relationship with the client.

Appleton will not reveal any information about the affairs of a client to anybody not legally entitled to such information.

We will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that no information about the affairs of a client is revealed to anybody not legally entitled to such information.

Appleton will not reveal or make use of any information about the affairs of any party to any business relationship with a client, or any information about the affairs of his/her employer or any client or supplier of his/her employer, without the express consent of the party involved, unless such information is already a matter of public record.

Appleton will not do anything to bring the fiduciary profession into disrepute.